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Month: March 2019

Which Social Media Channels to choose for your Social Media Strategy?

The concept of Social Media has brought a revolution. It rapidly altered how we cover our social needs, setting aside physical boundaries that restricted us in the past. These virtual worlds act as places to socialize, interact and learn. They are like our second home.

But people like you and I aren’t their only habitats. Brands consider these platforms as the perfect way to personalize their presence, creating accounts to interact with their audiences.

How Our Internet Searches are About to Change Forever

Do you have a question about everything? Just Google (or Bing/Yahoo/Yandex/Baidu, whatever floats your boat) it! Take your PC/Mac, Tablet or Smartphone, type in some keywords, press “search”, and there you go, fresh, valuable information will come into sight. All that, with tremendous speed, surgical accuracy, and completely free of charge.